WELCOME FEEDBACK - towards a constructive feedforward culture

Impro-Labo® - Interactive theatre


The call for a 'constructive feedback culture' is omnipresent. It is therefore the instrument par excellence to make the transition to a participative corporate culture resulting in employee satisfaction, involvement and commitment. But it is also probably the biggest cultural change of the moment.

For how can you avoid the judgmental nature of feedback, and create the necessary trust to exchange thoughts freely?

The answer lies in the role we give feedback. Feedback is not a goal in itself, but a tool to build a growth culture, where people feel respected and accepted as individuals, and are given responsibility to contribute to their personal growth, and that of the organisation.

Unfortunately, there are many pitfalls along the way ...

In a concise session, we present (live or online) a series of sketches, in which the actors treat the importance of feedback, and bring the recognisable pitfalls and 'best practices' to the surface. The continuous interaction with the audience, and the mix of content and humorous elements create awareness and sensitisation.

Avoiding the judgemental nature of feedback

This interactive IMPRO-LABO performance searches, together with the audience, for the keys and conditions of a correct approach:

  • The importance of constructive feedback and feedforward
  • The importance of compliments and positive feedback
  • The pitfalls and best practices of change feedback
  • Receiving Feedback: Listening without prejudice

A must for every organisation that wants to invite its managers to help build an open feedback culture, and to take on more of the role of the 'people manager'.



Holding up a mirror through theatre remains a cast-iron medium for raising awareness. As repetition is crucial, Klein Barnum adds video clips in a before-and-after process: a teaser prior to the event and 6 short refresh videos to keep the 'lessons learned' in mind.


  • Performed by 1 moderator and 2 actors
  • Target group: Management / or + staff
  • Up to 100 participants
  • Duration: 1h30
  • Technical sheet on request

You want to know more ?

Contact us for a meeting.