Awareness programmes and training for companies through theatre as a touchstone for reality.

Business theatre

Theater op maat

Making strategic messages or sensitive topics accessible through business theatre. Challenging the audience to reflect. New perspectives that inspire, motivate and invite change.

The power of humour and recognition, the art of addressing every audience at the right level, the pleasure of a sharp observation or a surprising turn of events.

Themes: corporate culture and interpersonal skills.

Practical simulations


'Do' 'experience', indispensable in every communication training course. A bridge between theory and practice, the actor as living exercise material.

For the trainer: a powerful working tool, comparable to a 'flight simulator' for pilots. For the participant: a 100% practice-oriented individual training session, in a safe environment.

From our pool of ± 50 training actors, we will find for you the suitable actor with the necessary baggage.



Exercising skills through challenging work forms, in a safe environment, and practice-oriented.

Presentation techniques, practice labs with a training actor on soft skills, interactive and fun workshops with a mix of sketches, moments of reflection and simulations on 'dealing with change', 'diversity' and 'motivating leadership'.

Teachers or training actors reduce theory to its essence and seek to connect the participants to their practice.



Translated to 'online', the core of our work remains: evoking 'recognition and empathy' through 'staging' human behaviour.

Training videos, webinar version of our performances, virtual workshop 'presentation techniques' and 'training labs with training actor on soft skills'.